Saturday 12 September 2015

Information Creation as a Process

Learning outcomes:

  1. Students will evaluate information with set criteria.
  2. Students will understand the variety of information formats and can conduct searches for various formats.
  3. Students will be able to thoughtfully find published primary sources in order to include first-person perspectives in their research project. 
Design 3 activities:

Go on Google scholar and search for 3 articles. Write down authors names, title of article and publisher.

Go on Uwc library website and find 5 books written by Dr. Gavin Davis. Name the publisher and year of publication. 

Disposition: Student

  • value the process of matching an information need with an appropriate product.
  • accept that the creation of information may begin initially through communicating in a range of formats
  • Understand that different methods of information dissemination with different purposes are available for their use


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  2. Activities relate to the frame how my friend?
