Wednesday 22 July 2015

Information Literacy

LBS 707

Learning Theories 
This week I have learned about the different types of learning theories. We discussed 3 types in class:

  1. Behaviourism
  2. Cognitivism
  3. Constructivism    
The lecturer also explained the 3 theories very briefly, and we jot down important notes during the lecture. At the end of the lecture, we did a short assessment about what we have learned. This is important to know because not all people learn the same way.When we understand the different learning theories, we will also understand students/people better.

I personally enjoyed the lecture because I have a great interest in psychology. I forever find myself doing research on various psychological topics.

I am a people's person. I can work in groups when I am in class because I get along with all kinds of people.

Check out the following link to read more about LEARNING THEORIES.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Joe :)

    I enjoy the way you write on the blog, i have not read extensively but your entries allows me to do so. I printed this document from ikamva but did not read it and seeing it on your blog made me want to read it and I have. Particularly the fifth characteristic of a threshold in this document which is "a threshold being potentially (and possibly inherently) troublesome" and the forms of troublesome knowledge. I however do not understand how these forms of troublesome knowledge pertains to my learning.
