Wednesday 29 July 2015

Information Literacy

‘Threshold Concepts’ may
  be considered to be “akin
  to passing through a portal”
  or “conceptual gateway”
  that opens up “previously
  inaccessible way[s] of
  thinking about something”
  (Meyer and Land)
Transformative: Once understood, a threshold concept changes the way in which the student views the discipline. 
Troublesome: Threshold concepts are likely to be troublesome for the student.

Irreversible: Given their transformative potential, threshold concepts are also likely to be irreversible, i.e. they are difficult to unlearn.

Bounded: A threshold concept will probably delineate a particular conceptual space, serving a specific and limited purpose. 

Discursive: Meyer and Land suggest that the crossing of a threshold will incorporate an enhanced and extended use of language.   

Reconstitutive: "Understanding a threshold concept may entail a shift in learner subjectivity, which is implied through the transformative and discursive aspects already noted. Such reconstitution is, perhaps, more likely to be recognised initially by others, and also to take place over time (Smith)".    

This is a really interesting course as it allows you to think outside the box.  
 To learn more about Threshold, follow the link. 


  1. And after this class weren't you also just trying to come up with various examples of what we learned - it's really nice to have come across the concept of Threshold Concepts. One feel as if a secret weapon was gained.

  2. Class is very interesting but don't you feel as if it is just a theoretical way of putting things that we all already know? Conceptual frameworks? What is new about that? we all know once you've learnt something you can't unlearn it, that learning new concepts are difficult. I feel that it is old ideas just wrapped in a new package.

  3. Indeed @Charlene I feel the same way. Allow me to add, once you've learned something it becomes part of you. Acquiring a threshold concept often resembles a phase transition.

  4. The link is very informative. The summary is short and to the point.The article open and explain the reason for the use of threshold concepts well. The phrase that stand out for me is:"differentiating between cor leading outcomes that represent seeing things in a new way and those that do not". The idea that stand out for me is that the instructor of information literacy must make sure the outcomes of lesson must be representing seeing things in a new way.

  5. The link is very informative. The summary is short and to the point.The article open and explain the reason for the use of threshold concepts well. The phrase that stand out for me is:"differentiating between cor leading outcomes that represent seeing things in a new way and those that do not". The idea that stand out for me is that the instructor of information literacy must make sure the outcomes of lesson must be representing seeing things in a new way.
