Tuesday 11 August 2015

Scholarship as conversation

Teaching Library Science undergraduates with social media:

Learning outcomes:  Students will:
  • 1.      recognize they are often entering into an ongoing scholarly conversation, not a finished conversation.
  • 2.       identify the contribution that particular articles, books and other scholarly pieces make to disciplanary  knowledge.
  • 3.      understand how to understand and analyze a scholarly article/videos and identify and understand all the parts of the article/video.
I have developed the following class activities:
Go on Twitter and discuss or reflect on any you tube clip of your choice:
  1. Find online books or articles that you came across that were written in the past year on the topic you researching. Make important notes and post it on a twitter blog where you discuss it with other scholars interested in this topic.
  2. Find 2 professional social media sites and share you opinion where you have an ongoing scholary conversation on this topic. 
  3. Critically analyze the 2 professional social media sites you selected and share what you think of whatever they contributed to this discussion.
  • Students will recognize there is always new research being done and they are often entering into an on-going scholarly conversation and not a finished conversation.
  • While doing their research and adding their input students see themselves as contributors to scholarship rather than only consumers of it.
  • By critically analyzing the social 2 social media sites, students suspend judgment on the value of a particular piece of scholarship until the larger context for the scholarly conversation is better understood.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Joseph

    This is a good attempt indeed.
    I just need you to clarify the topic of the assignment.
    Match each activity to a knowledge practice.
    I will give you another chance before I assess.
